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Do you reimburse bill-backs/rebate claims to your distributors for honoring price contracts you have with your customers?

If so, you need to watch for revenue leakage from price agreements and distributor bill-back/rebate claims that are audited manually or inadequately.


The process of auditing bill-backs/rebates is very complex, that it is neither possible nor economically feasible to audit them manually. In all probability you are giving away a lot of money – money that will boost your profits.


Only sophisticated software can handle all the complexities of auditing bill-backs/rebates, and provide an economically viable and efficient solution.


Our software, Napara, is highly sophisticated and built to manage price agreements and rebates.

With Napara you can: 

  • Manage price agreements, contracts, quotes and bids
  • Identify duplicated bill-back/rebate claims
  • Comprehensively audit bill-back or rebate claims from your distributors, payback only the correct amount, provide them a report of rebates granted and refused along with discrepancies in the claim
  • Track sales on price agreements, sales by distributors, end users, buying groups, national accounts
  • Identify profitable contracts, best customers and popular products
  • Identify price agreements/contracts that may result loss, while they are being drafted
  • Comply with Sarbanes-Oxley requirement in this functional area

There is a whole lot more you can do with Napara!


  • Immediate savings of 30% - 60% on your distributor bill-back/rebate claims (These are average figures. Results may vary for each company.)
  • Increased productivity in cost and time

For more information or to schedule a demo of the software, contact us...